(Letter from Vic to brother Rudy and wife Ann, written from the South Pacific to Passaic, New Jersey. In the bottom left corner of the envelope is the writing "Censored by (no name). Above that is a stamp "Passed by U.S. Army Examiner 25603". Picture is of Torokina Airstrip at Bougaineville, Solomon Island - where Vic was stationed with the 135th Field Artillery Battalion of the 37th Army Divison.)
Dear Ann and Rudy,
Many thanks for your package which I received yesterday. Have you received my other letter? If I neglected to mention what little we're able to say perhaps you'd best read the one I mailed Ed and Rose yesterday.
Whenever you have any recent novels or non-fictions books and magazines that you've no further use for, please forward them on to me. I'm reading the newspapers you wrapped some of the articles in that package this afternoons. Seems we never have enough reading material. That knife and stone will have many uses and the gum will be readily consumed. After short exposure to this climate chewing gum has some peculiar tendencies. Its surface become very oily and sticky, and when chewed it disentegrates to a sugary, lumpy solution and shortly is intirely disolved. Chocolates and caramels come to us in a rather sticky condition, but after cooling underground in the dampness and shade are in fair shape.
Yes that article I mentioned in that letter to Ed was by a veteran commander dated November 12, I believe. I recall refering to its test (the first Paragraph or so) but've forgotten what the discussion was as to merits. Don't belive I have your letter of Nov. 30th on hand anymore. Concerning the election clippings you'd enclosed, I'm happy about the gains registered and the editorial comment.
Ruts, are you informed as to the political set-up in Wis.? I thought Loomis (Prog.) was elected and now I seem to recall and article that mentioned Goodland as filling the guberanatorial capacity. Wasn't he the old Reb. from Racine who was Lt.-Gov. under Heil? How'd he ever sneak into office anyway? Are the Hague boys still in office in Jersey? What's their platform as regards the war effort? Which political party holds sway in the Paterson area? Is the Parlamee racy syndicate still operating in Jersey?
Haven't heard from the folks in a long time. However, they did send me two letters of J-T clippings but neglected to enclose written messages. Had one letter from Paul since he started University of Calif. Ed and Rose haven't written in a long time, but I did receive a package from them several days ago. Perhaps all of you have several letters enroute.
Hear from quite a few home town fellows in the service and from some Army buddies I was with back in the States. Heard from someone in Racine that Alice and Donny Shugar were divorced. Say, did Ran DeFaut enter the merchant marine? Have you seen him recently and do you have his address? Imagine he went in as a radio operator. Is Howie sailing salt water again and do you ever see him and Hank Larsen? Please write soon.
Best regards to you all,
December 17th, 1943
Posted by
9:01 PM
December 15, 1943
(Letter from Vic to brother Rudy and wife Ann, written from the South Pacific to Passaic, New Jersey. In the bottom left corner of the envelope is the writing "Censored by (no name) Lt, F.A. Above that is a stamp "Passed by U.S. Army Examiner 25603". On the back of the picture at right is written "December 1943, Solomon Islands - month before had been enemy held...)
Dear Ann and Rudy,
Thanks for your letter of Nov. 21st which I received the other day. Haven't received the pakcage you mention sending me but two others arrived to-day. One from the folks and a book, "The Fall of Paris" from Eva Reed. Ray is at sea on a Dutch ship somewhere on the pacific as part of a Navy crew.
Can't mention much about this place but it time may have some somewhat of a story 'case you're interested. How your letter arrived so rapidly I can't understand when others with it are two and three weeks older. Is Ann's brother Nick still in the south western part of the States?
Am scribbling these lines down in our dug-out where we've slung our jungle hammocks. My 'shelter-mate" is another radio man. It's very hot outside just now but the rains were terrific. With shelter-hals as a roof its fairly comfortable in a crude sort of way. We've been bombed and straved. Beyond that I won't venture, and let me know how much the censors are clipping.
The good ole Navy came through and did a swell job in the Gilberts and now the Marshalls according to the radio news. We pick up Frisco short-wave fair and Australia good. They give us a good idea of the situation on the other fighting fronts. The Russians are doing some swell work. Guess the Germans are quite desperate now and seem to be fighting stubornly in Italy. They're certainly taken an awful aerial beating at home but those Nazis deserve every bit of it.
Looks like the nip Imperial Fleet won't be for long at the rate they're going down. News bulletins list their sinkings most accurately and according to the commentators they're really alarmed at ship and air losses. They've good cause to be and are really in for it. Hope they get a good dose of blasting on their homeland.
Jake Valentine said he's left Australia and is now "somewhere in the S-W Pacific". Well write soon and very lengthly.
Best regards to you all,
P.S. - The knife will come in handy and more so the stone. Have a hard time keeping my own sharp and free from rust. The sheath has deteriorated due to rusting and molding. Can't do much about these things in this humidity except oil and polish ssteel and wip leather. The Marines and Army infantry are issued knifes for close-combat work but not most other branches. Notice the Navy issues one but don't think the C.B.'s carry them. They're handy in numerous ways.
Did you know any fellows who were released in that recent batch from the Army Understand the services will cut down on conscriptment come Spring. How do you like this income tax pay-as-you-go plan? Write!
Posted by
8:46 PM
Labels: Jake Valentine
December 15, 1943
(Letter from Vic to younger brother Paul, from the South Seas to Oakland, CA.)
Dear Paul,
Just a few supplementary lines to yesterday's line.
Will enclose a photo of Elmer Balzer that he sent recently. Send it on home to the folks unless you wish to keep it. The humidity is very bad on such stuff over here so I usually send all photos home eventually. Jacke V asked for some pictures the other day but as I didn't have any of myself I sent him the one you recently sent. Do you write Jake or Elmer and have you heard from them?
Certainly hope the bulk of my Xmas packages arrive soon. Some of them were mailed way back in Oct.
Can't understand the gifts some people persist in sending. I've gotten some face soap and sugar lumps and now Rudy said he'd mailed V-Mail stationery, socks, and tooth powder. Though we appreciate these items, I've said again and again they're issue.
The hunting knife and stone Ruts is sending will be appreciated greatly and the socks, provided they're wool, and tooth power, Ipana paste is better, can readily be used. V-mail is out with me at least and one can have loads of it here for free. Most guys dislike receiving it so naturally refrain from sending it.
The ammunition I asked about should have read 9mm Luger. I stated that correction immediately to Karl G. 'cause I didn't think you could get it. I appreciate your efforts. Karl had sold his Woodsman to Gerieke and neglected to mention the one Bill Mc Coy had. He may have been drafted so it would be difficult if not hopeless. Had you gotten one and sent it then I doubt whether I'd have received it by now and if you mailed one, say now, I might be back home after victory is won before it might possibly catch up.
Some packages travel none too swiftly and you can readily uinderstand war materials must always have utmost priorities to insure prompt delivery to the fighting fronts.
Bill Fiala should be home now for the winter season. He thinks you disliked sailing the Great Lakes. Do you write him frequently?
Your Brother
Posted by
8:33 PM