(This is the last letter Vic ever wrote. It was never mailed and it's unknown who was the intended recipient. After the war, Vic received his High School Diploma and returned to work at the Case farm equipment company. In the early 1950's he moved to Los Angeles and worked for the Bendix automotive company. He got married twice, but had no children. He died at his home in North Hollywood in early 2002 at the age of 83. This letter was found on his writing table. Photo shows Vic - on left, with his friend Ben Louie squatting, and two other soldiers posing in the Philippines in 1945. Ben Louie died in Sacramento shortly after Vic. This letter completes Vic's Army Trunk.)
Many thanks for writing. I've been in poor physical health for a long time and was hospitalized in ER of Kaiser Permanente, Panama City again last week for 2 1/2 or three days. Friends from Heatherdale here rushed me up there and also returned to get me upon notification.
I've sent out no holiday cards this year and have many that I must respond to (especially Europe - Denmark, England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland - to their beautiful cards, msgs., and photos.) During the past year I've been hospitalized at least 3 times and also spent last years' big holiday period inside Kaiser.
Thurs. or Fri. - Dec. 29?
It's now a week later (since I began this) and still haven't finished reading all the holiday cards and letters I've been getting - let along begun answering. Tho I sent Ben Louie a letter and some old snapshots (many from WWII) a week or so before I entered the hospital - haven't had a reply. Other guys from our old outfit have sent me cards & letters but no one has mentioned Ben - hope he's OK and still around.
You could swap (exchange) stuff from me with George Conrad. Do you see him?
Inside a letter and card I rec'd at Kaiser hosp/ was this match cover from our UAW union local secretary/treasurer who made quick holiday trip to his home in Iowa.
Wishing you both all the very best.
December, 2001
Posted by
9:56 AM
December 30, 1945
(Letter from Vic in Racine, Wisconsin to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photos show Vic's discharge paper, and letter of thanks from President Truman.)
Sunday morning,
Dear Paul,
I suppose you've been wondering why you haven't received any written word from me. Well, to begin with I intended writing from Camp Anza, Calif. soon after sending the telegram and Jap propaganda books. We were alerted for shipment momentarily so I didn't try to write just then.
However, train delays held us up 'til noon of the 14th Dec. Believe I mentioned in the telegram we'd landed on the twelfth. North of the Hawaiian group the skipper of the "Sea Corpora" was notified to change his course and dock at San Pedro, Los Angeles P.E. If we'd followed the original schedule and put in at 'Frisco I'd have easily seen you. Perhaps I might even have spent the Xmas holidays there because of lack of transportation facilities.
Anyhow, the reason I didn't want you to come down to Camp Anza is because it must be five hundred miles south of you up in the isolated foot-hills of the San Bernadino Mts., and we might've left for Wis. anytime.
Our train for McCoy with guys from Wis., Upper Michigan and Minnesota finally arrived there early Tuesday morning, the eighteenth after numerous delays. They certainly have a busy schedule for seperatees and we hardly stopped for breath during our two day stay there.
About 11:am Thursday the twentieth Dec. we got the final discharge ceremony and our discharge papers. We were given $50 cash of our mustering out pay and a check which included the other fifty of the first hundred (we get the other two hundred bucks in two monthly payments) plus 5c a mile rail fare to our home towns plus back pay plus all soldiers deposits we were accredited with.
I then caught the noon Hiawatha into Milw. but missed the North Shore to Racine and had to wait for the next one. Anyhow, I got home around 5:30 p.m. that same day. I went out a few times the first few days. Several days back I came down with malaria and've been home since. I had one helluva job getting quinine here in town.
Perhaps to-morrow I'll go up to the Wood Veterans Hospital in Milw. for an exam 'cause I still have something like a jungle-rot on my back. At McCoy I filed claims for that & malaria.
Paul, I'm short some negatives and wonder if you have any of mine out there. If so, will you please send them to me? I'll write again soon.
Your brother,
P.S. - Did you receive the cookies &tennis shoes that mother sent? Thanks for the books and Xmas card. How's the weather out there? In southern Cal. it was damn chilly & we all froze there moreso than out here.
Posted by
7:09 AM
November 23, 1945
(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photos show picture of SS Sea Corporal arriving in Los Angeles, and part of front page of "Rock and Roll", an onboard newsheet.)
Friday Afternoon,
Dear Paul,
Well, we're still here on Luzon at this writing but've just finished tearing down our tents and turning in our cots and mosquito bars. This evening we're leaving Camp La Croix by large trucks and travellinng over to Tarlac. There we'll board a train and proceed to the port of San Fernando up on Lingayen Gulf. We'll then board ship sometime to-morrow and the S.S. Sea Corporal is due to hit the states before the 15th of December.
We'll go to Camp Stoneman and may be restricted to same until we head for our separation centers. I'll do my best to get a pass and look you up. I'm scheduled to do go Camp McCoy, Wis. and that's definite. If any hitches develop I won'
t see Xmas at home.
I'm enclosing some articles from the Army newspaper, Daily Pacifican. Please send them on to Ruts and remind him that they might be good re-print material for PM. Believe that paper publishes good articles. Not all of them would be classified, naturally.
Best Regards.
Your brother, Vic
P.S. - No, Max Mueckler is not over here. Believe I told you that he went home back in March on T.D. (furlough). That was just after I'd seen him when I was in the hospital. Anyhow, while home the point system was announced and he was almost immediately discharged. He is now in some sort of soda water manufacturing & distributing business. Believe he sunk all his saving into same along with one or more other guys & is trying to make a go of it on an independent basis.
In his last letter he mentioning having talked to Mike Principe. Don't know whether Mike is out of the Marine Corp yet. Know Bob Hoey was home but don't know whether he's been discharged either. Karl G. quait their shop some time ago and was working in Dept. 27 (boiler works( where the 155 mm shells are made at Case. However, he said he'd quit that place too now that the war was over but didn't say what he intended doing. Bob was home on furlough but I can't say whether he was discharged.
Hope to be seeing you soon!
Posted by
6:59 AM
November 16, 1945
(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photo is of a Philippine volcano.)
Friday morning,
Dear Paul,
Finally obtained several air-mail envelopes. Don't believe the letter I sent you via free mail will arrive for almost a month. Thought perhaps you might not have received same before I hit the West coast.
Today our ship is due in at San Fernando up on the Lingayen Gulf. It's the fast transport "Sea Corporal", and should dock in 'Frisco about 3eighteen days after getting under way from these parts. A good percent of the division will be aboard this ship - parts of the 145 INF., 148 INF., 135 F.A., 136 F.A., 112 MED. BN, M.P. CO, plus the division commander, MAJ. GEN. Brightler. Our battery will load on sometime between tomorrow and Monday. Come Monday the 19th Nov. the Sea Corporal will pull out.
The entire division will have embarked on a number of ships over a period of one week or possibly slightly more. We're not sailing in a convoy. Last nite most of the 148 INF. REG'T. and the 140 F.A. BN. loaded aboard their ship, the Dutch "Veldereden", which will saidl shortly thus being the advance vessel.
They have group lists of the personnel going to the various seperation centers throughout the United States which are being flown home so that train schedules will be all completed when we hit 'Frisco. We're to go to Camp Stoneman, and won't be there more than 48 hrs.
I can't get any satisfaction over on this side as regards being promised a pass from Stoneman to look you up. Our brass won't commit themselves, and it's rumored that we'll be confined to Stoneman during our brief stay there.
I'm tentatively scheduled to be on the train-load of us 37th fellows going to Ft. Sheridan. They tried to send me to Camp McCoy where practically all Wis., upper Michigan, & Minnesota personnel will go. They claim Sheridan is overcrowded and handles only Michigan (proper) & Chicago area men. Finally convinced our B.C. that it'd be cheaper to send me to Sheridan because it's so damn close to home, but I may yet wind up at McCoy.
Here's a copy of a letter of appreciation from Gen. Devers that was handed out to all the old vets. Sent it on home to the folks. Haven't seen my letter re-printed in the Mail Bag column of the Daily Pacifican as yet.
Best Regards! Your brother,
Last nite I was up to the "Grass Shack" and saw the U.S.O. troupe put on the show "Hello Chicago" featuring five good-looking Am. Gals and a very good M.C. comedian. Several nites ago we saw the riotous film "Duffy's Tavern."
Posted by
7:49 AM
November 15, 1945
(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photo shows review of American soldiers in Rizal Stadium, Manila.)
Tuesday afternoon,
Dear Paul,
Thanks for your recent letter dated thirty-first October bearing your new address. Meant to reply via air mail yesterday but I've been unable to purchase or borrow any air-mail envelopes. Our mail clerk said that even the div. A.P.O. hasn't had any in stock for some time now.
Just received a line from Yuts dated 29th Oct. He said he'd been alerted for shipment the next day and that he would probably wind up with the Fleet Air Wing I in China. That's bad considering the unpopular support our War, Navy, and State Departments have been giving to the Chinese Nationalists, French Colonials, and Dutch and British Imperialists. These Asiatic people are certainly going to hate us for our present actions here in the Far East.
I'm now in "B" battery because we've all been transferred around according to the number of points we have. We're leaving within a few days and I should certainly be at sea within a week.
Am enclosing a number of articles from the Army newspaper here in the Pacific, Daily Pacifican, that I thought might interest you. Perhaps you'd care to pass same on to Ruts or Ed. I'm replying to the vicious letter sent in by one T/SGT. Carl W. McGuire from HQ of this division. Perhaps I won't be here on the island when they get around to publish my line. If I see it I'll forward same on to you. This newspaper has been publishing a number of good articles. I previously sent Rudy several copies.
Undoubtedly this letter will take many days to reach you because it'll travel by slow ship. Incidentally, Yuts said he'd recently received a letter of yours dated in July that you'd sent under regular 3 cent postage. I've had that happen quite often in the past. Also received long-overdue letter that were incorrectly addressed or lacked my A.P.O. number.
May not get to see you on the West coast. It depends entirely on the situation at Angel Island or Camp Stoneman (to whichever we go to after disembarking). They won't promise me a pass on the West coast at this time. I should be in the States by the tenth of Dec. Don't reply!
Your brother,
Posted by
7:37 AM
October 31st, 1945
(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photo shows GIs and Filipinos dockside at Manila pier.)
Wednesday, Evening
Dear Paul,
For all I know you may've moved by this date, but I presume you left a forwarding address.
Here're ten pics that Yuts sent down. Also note the other two which I don't think you've seen.
I just got back from Manila late this afternoon. Left on a two pass Monday. Was sick there the first day & nite. Stayed at the Manila leave center (for G.I.s). It rained all last nite and part of this morning down there.
Yuts has a new address but I imagine he's written to you recently. He said Ted Kraynik visited him.
Still no definite word on when we're leaving. Rumors vary from the fifteenth to the twenty-ninth Nov. Gen Krieber (DIV. ARTY.) spoke to the men of the division yesterday & said it'd be this coming month.
Just a reminder - don't answer this letter.
Did I tell you that Nick Julian went hom on that over 38 yrs (or was it 35?) deal? At least he headed for a casual camp and I presume he's made the boat by now.
Now that Vernon Bown is in Frisco I presume you must get together quite frequently.
We saw that Ernie Pyle film "Story of G.I. Joe" last Sunday nite. Last nite in Manila I saw "Hotel Berlin", but didn't think it was so hot. Some time ago we saw "Woman in the Window" (Edw. G. Robinson). Forgot to mention seeing "Our Wines Have Tender Grapes" which I liked. Perhaps these are old films in the States, eh?
Our mail doesn't amount to much these days. Wrote to Reader's Scope and In Fact to send my future copies to Racine. Heard from Phil M. who's in Yokahama, but expects to ship out for the U.S. very soon.
Vest Regards, Your brother
Posted by
7:25 AM
October 18, 1945
(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photo shows letter of appreciation sent from Commanding General Jacob Devers in Washington.)
Thursday evening,
Dear Paul,
Even tho I asked you to discontinue writing me I rather expected to still receive a few rather late letters from you. Without mail time certainly passes slowly. Anyhow, don't bother to write at this late date. Still don't know when we're leaving.
I'm enclosing several articles from the Field Artillery Journal that you probably haven't read as yet. Perhaps Ruts'd like to read same. Let me know what you think of same. Remember the stuff is mostly concerned with arty. and is naturally written from such an angle.
Read that copy of "Life" on the U.A.W. They certainly played up Ruether and gave him credit for work actually accomplished by the more progressive leadership elements - namely, Addes and Frankensteen. The stinkers (Time and Newsweek) haven't been giving Pres. Truman much credit of late and have begun a smear campaign against labor in conjunction with the press.
We haven't been able to keep up with most of the news recently because our Special Service radio sets have all been turned in, and the div. daily newsheet hardly even is seen around nowadays.
Our present battery commander is a southerner, and one of the most stubborn, moronic jerks we've had the misfortune to have run or attempt to run the battery. He'd make an A-1 scab and at discussion classes gives anti-labor spiels. Another fellow & myself usually put him in his place, tho.
Posted by
7:17 AM
October 15, 1945
(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photo shows war damaged pier in Manila.)
Monday evening,
Dear Paul,
Yes, I'm still here at Camp La Croix. According to rumour our sailing date has been changed to something like the first of November. Personally, I'll discount the whole works, and only when I'm aboard ship will I actually believe we're at last headed for home.
Yesterday I was in Manila on pass. Went over to Nick Julian's unit and learned he'd departed the day before upon very short notice. Understand he went to the 29th Replacement Depot prior to embarkation for the States. He's getting out on that over 35 yrs. and 2 yrs. service deal.
Incidentally, here in the div. we've quite a few guys who're eligible for same and many other men with high-points (80,85,90 & 95) but they're getting screwed in that they'll have to wait and go home with the div. The GHQ, Service Command, and other base and rear echelon units get all the breaks.
Not that Nick doesn't deserve it 'cause he's not in such good shape. In N.G. he had a spinal injury lifting something heavy and said x-rays showed one of his vertebrae to be broken. However, even tho he's a medic in a hospital detachment they never did much for him.
While in Manila I began to feel quite bad shortly after noon. Because there's practically no place to sit down in town for even a short break without parting with a fair part of a month's pay, I went into one of the very few remaining theatres. That is, I first sweated out a two-block-long ticket line.
Upon entering the theatre proper I stood for nearly an hr. awaiting a seat. When I finally parked my rear I was in poor condition and felt so damn punk that I sat there thru 2 1/2 shows resting.
A G.I. next to me said his gang were driving back up to Angeles so I decided to ride along for 25 miles and then get off where the two main hi-ways split. Could've waited until 11:PM 'til my truck headed back but I couldn't stand the misery of waiting around so I took off about 7:30. In all it took three rides to get into camp which is a good 65 miles. Checked into the aid station, had temp. taken, got quinine, and hit the sack about 10:30.
Well today's blood smear came back positive on the malarial check, but it didn't surprise me 'cause I knew all along what it was. After five knock-downs from the stuff I should damn well know all the symptoms. Anyhow, I'm on quarters now getting plenty of quinine which kinda knocks one out.
Our generator is on the blink hence no lights for the battery to-nite. Am writing by candlelight and'll retire early 'cause I've a head-ache and think the fever is coming back. Believe the div. doesn't want to evacuated anyone for hospitalization unless in an emergency because we're so close to shipping out, and they probably figure a guy'd rather lay around on quarters than leave the outfit and take the chance of missing the boat with the rest of the guys. Well, so far this recurrent attack has been damn mild as compared to my last when we were making the push up north last July.
Just got word that we're to be issued "Eisenhower" blouses and overcoats to-night so I'll have to get in the formation in a short while. Bet the fits and material will be as sloppy as ever. Recently we received a set of O.D.s which were crummy as hell and general misfits. We've more clothes now than we need, but they continue issuing stuff probably thinking we'll all die of influenza, pneumonia, etc. the first day in a cool climate. That gag is that we've only one back to stuff it into and we carry that around with us. Boy! you should try to lift mine up as it's loaded now.
The line is still very long and I certainly don't want to stand around sweating it out. Maybe I'll wait till morning to draw my woolens. These new guys we received are seemingly all chow-hounds and "come-firsts" 'cause every time I see a formation awaiting something the majority in line and always the head of same will be composed of these new guys. Guess we've been over too long to get excited about anything the Army does or gives out.
Say, Paul, I still haven't come to any definite conclusions regarding post-war plans. Some fellows here are positively going to school, but either they've already had some such or else they were just out of high school and may've been planning to enter some college when they entered service. Practically all of them haven't held a steady job in civilian life and don't believe they'll have much of a chance to get one for several years.
I only completed on of my three A.F.I. correspondence courses and don't think I can finish the whole thing up to credit the necessary credits before becoming a civilian. As things are now, I'll be the only son at home and think I should stick around for awhile at least. Do you plan to remain in Calif. indefinitely? Do you have any job in view out there for the future? Say, don't answer now but let me know later. I'll write again later this wk.
Your brother,
P.S. - I'm enclosing three old prints that I want you to send on. Just got them from another fellow in the section when we traded some pics.
Posted by
7:23 AM
October 13, 1945
(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photo shows Vic's friend Ben Louie and another soldier posing with three friends.)
Saturday afternoon,
Dear Paul,
It's past chow time now and if the brass intended falling us out for detail they would've called formation by now. Looks like we may actually get an afternoon off. Pulled guard last nite and then stood their chicken____ inspection this A.M.
Signed up for to-morrow's one-day Manila pass deal, but so did practically everyone else so'll have to wait 'til morning for final results. Would like to pick up some good souvenirs down there, but my pesos aren't too many this far on in the month. Maybe I'll get over to see Nick Julian and possibly even Floyd Hiller. Nick's one happy-go-lucky guy. He should be shipping out for the States this month 'cause he's over 35 yrs. We still might go back to-gether.
Did I mention having phoned Phil Mascaretti a while back? Reached his outfit thru long-distance via numerous Army exchanges and was told that his unit had shipped out. The operator wouldn't (probably for security reasons) commit himself as to probably destination, but I think it's Japan. Well, here're those addresses which I'd like re-prints from those negatives mailed: addresses follow.
Hope you sent copies to the folks, Ruts, & Ed. Guess this business get mighty damn tiresome, eh what?
Last night we received a few more new men who've enough points to go home. They're from the 86th "Black Hawk" Div. and were in Europe for a while but saw little combat. They seem to dislike the tropics even from what little they've seen. The Philippines (especially Luzon) are comparitively OK as tropical islands come. They told me about the European areas they saw and it really sounded like a good deal as far as conditions are during war-times.
I have almost a half-dozen of your previous letters which I intend answering fully within a very few days - so standby, no?
Your brots,
Enclosed are five recent pics. Kind send them on to Ed or Ruts in your next letter to them and please ask that they send same on home.
Posted by
7:26 AM
October 11, 1945
(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photo shows picture of formal surrender ceremonies at Tuguegaro, September 10, 1945.)
Thurs. Eve,
Hello again, Paul,
Christ! I'm really passong on some head-aches to you in the form of all these damn photographic requests. I realize somewhat what it's like 'cause while in Manila I had to have a matter of 63 reprints made up for our section.
Forgot to thank you in the previous letter I just knocked out for your two letters of the 30th Setp. containing the pics and clippings. You certainly went into detail in that letter and covered a lot of ground. Those're the type I really enjoy receiving, but know it's quite a lot to expect when the other correspondent (me, in this case) hasn't been on the ball lately and insists on continuously asking questions, putting in your innumerable time-consuming requests and actually giving out with little dope on things in general.
Well after you've been over in these parts for around 28 months morale does tend to drop and correspondence to putter out. I have one helluva time of late to knock out decent replies what with the war kaput, state-side return a vague dream and being in the old Army rut. Some alibi, huh?
Here're four color prints that Bob just enclosed in a letter of Karl's. They're really swell, eh what? I'm gonna pick up a good camera job-ee when I've been home a while and try my luck with a a pack 'o' color film. K.G. has quit Case's, and he says Bob is home on furlough and expects a discharge along about Xmas time. Perhaps they've given out with more dope to you, no?
Jake is is attending U.W. and taking up Wild Life Management. That's a good deal & he'll make it, but I think it requires a heap of credits. Actually received a fairly long line from Bill F. to-day but he won't commit himself as regards the exact date of his marriage to Irene. According to he and K.G., Racine is still the same old Racine with no changes.
Imagine the folks wrote and requested that you cease writing me. That's right. Don't answer any of these letters 'cause we're scheduled to embark during this month (Oct.) - exactly when we don't know.
Here it comes - better duck! The enclosed six prints'll also require preservation. They're of the surrender ceremones up at Tuguegaroa by our div. Will you send copies of the four negs to Ed, Ruts, the folks, Yuts, Phil, Ted, and Sid Goldberg? All their addresses will follow in the near future in a long letter.
Your brother,
Posted by
7:16 AM
October 11, 1945
(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photos show two American officers.)
Camp La Croix, Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija, Luzon, P.I.
Dear Paul,
Intended writing you earlier this week but got a two day pass to Manila and just pulled in last evening. Saw a few Racineans, namely Nick Julian, Joe Anzalone, and Floyd Hillier. Got around some with Nick, drank his beer, and generally had a fairly good time.
Nick told me that on Monday nite Izzy Shapiro (Ensign or Lt., J.G.) is in Manila harbor aboard an A.P.A.) and that they'd gotten to-gether. Izzy was supposed to've come around again while I was there after he'd driven up to Lingayen Gulf area for mail or something.
"Big Tom" Dominich is working in some Army Hosp. just out of Manila, but didn't show up as expected while I was around. Recall me mentioning one Marv Yoccum about four or five months back? Well, Hiller said he'd gone up to Japan and then headed home along with high-pointers in the 43rd DIV.
Did I tell you that Phil Mascaretti was located comparatively close by and that I was trying to get over and look him up? Well, in his last letter he stated his outfit'd been alerted for shipment to Japan. I called his unit long-distance thru many Army exchanges and learned they'd pulled out presumably for Japan.
Yesterday most of our guys with less than 60 points were shipped out to various outfits. We received a large bunch of higher point guys from other artillery units around the island. When I pulled in last nite I was confronted by countless strange faces and many newly erected tents. I still feel lost along with the other old fellows and amidst our own outfit!
Our division is being brought up to a point where it'll be way over-strength with high pointers from various bastard outfits. These guys are mostly from 155 Long Tom, 8 inch and 240 outfits, and have much less overseas time than us and practically no combat, but they have the points due to dependents and state-side service. Guess out HQ. BTRY. received about 6 privates in this group and countless S/SGT.s, T/3s, Tech SGT.s, T/2s, and M/SGT.s. These fellows even wear stripes on their denims.
Am enclosing a bunch of prints and six negatives. The positives I got from a pal in our section and are Manila-made. These prints will probably face out in a few months and I'd like to have them for a while so would you please have them 'dipped' in a preservative (whatever that dope is they use) and then sent on home by way of Ruts or Ed? I promised to send copies from the 6 negs to: Peter Anderson, 194 Illinois Rd., Lake Forest, Ill. and Peter Breclaw, c/o Walter O'Polka, 9 Highland Ave., Wells Mich.
Would you please oblige by doing same and also Ruts and Ed (plus Phil M., Geo. Conrad, & Ted Kraznik only if you have to bother with this detail.)
Posted by
7:16 AM
October 1, 1945
(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photo shows Vic's 'dog tags' that he wore around his neck.)
Camp La Crois, Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija, Luzon, P.I.
Dear Paul,
Well I hope a reply to my previous letter is already underway. Keep writing during this month 'cause we're not embarking until the fifteenth November so any mail post marked not later than about the 30 Oct. should reach me before we shove off.
Say, we may not land on the west coast. It's possible that the ships we pull out on pass thru the Panama Canal and then dock at an east coast port. Nothing is really definite at this date or at least we haven't yet received reliable & definite info.
I'm enclosing five pics that you not've seen. Do you have any more late snap-shots of you and Gene? Have you been doing much cycling lately. Taken any interesting sight-seeing trips?
Say, I've often thought of your present & former addresses. Are you located near the tunnel thru which the main hi-way from the Bay area to Pittsburg, Antioch, Stockton passes? I've walked all thru that section of Berkeley. Isn't there a dam alongside the hi-way just west of the tunnel? Guess you're back at school now - how is it?
Best regards,
Posted by
7:15 AM
September 30, 1945
(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photo shows truck loaded with GIs moving out.)
Camp La Croix, Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija, Luzon, P.I.
Sunday Evening
Dear Paul,
Presume you've already received the letter in which I requested that you cease writing me 'cause we were expecting to embark for the States at an early date. Well as the situation now stands, we're scheduled to leave somewhat later - 15th November to be exact. That's as it is as of now and anything in this Army is always subject to change.
Therefore you can continue writing me until about the last of October, and I should receive all mail before leaving this theatre. I hope!
You've probably noticed the change in our location. This is the old 43rd Div. rest area, and we moved into it over a two week period. Our bn. drove down in two seperate convoys last Monday. It was a long, tiresome and dangerous trip. Several vehicles cracked up in mountain passes, but the casualties weren't too severe. I was atop a heavily loaded 6X6 in the first echelon, and we really high balled it in an beat the others. It was about a three-hundred mile displacement.
Tomorrow we go on another new training schedule which calls for more calesthenics, foot-drill, etc. We're supposed to have the afternoons off, but that phases has been slightly over-used commencing back on the 'canal in '43. The div. expects to begin an educational campaign, but classes haven't been announced yet. They asked us what subjects we'd like to participate in some time back.
I was on a pass to Cabanatuan last nite with two other fellow from my section and it unfortunately turned into quite a bender. Could've gone down to Manila to-day but'll go later in the week. Cabanatuan has electricity and some of the joins are fairly modern. It's the provincial capitol, and also houses the notorious PW camp where the Nips held Americans.
Thanks for the pic of your girl-friend. Seems Gene is quite intelligent and interesting. Do you see each other at College? Any change in the situation since you last wrote? I'd appreciate any more pics of you both.
Still haven't any definite post war plans cause I'd like to make some final judgement back in civilian life. Received a letter from our uncle Ebert from Denmark.
Here're three occupation notes that Ted K. sent. Will write again soon.
Your brother,
Posted by
7:04 AM