(Letter written from Vic in Bougainville, Solomon Islands to his parents Emilie and Peter Petersen in Racine. The envelope is stamped by the army censor. The photo shows an army tent of some kind on Bougainville. Note the basketball hoop on the board nailed to the tree.)
Dear Folks,
To-day I received your letter dated the 6th and another envelope containing articles. Rudy's third recent letter arrived several days ago as did one from Git. I'm awaiting word from Ed and Rudy as regards my request that they help Paul financially in his studies.
Neither Bill nor Karl have written in some months. Bob Greubel writes me regularly and he said that Karl hadn't even written to him since he arrived in Canada.
I was most surprised to learn that Leonard Hoey was or is at my location. However, I haven't his address so it's improbably we'll meet.
Ray De Fault has a nice position it seems. I imagine it quite agrees with him. Send me any word you have on him and Howie and Vernon. Your letter was the first from Racine to give me any definite news of their whereabouts.
Please give me all the information possible about the coming local and state elections. Is there much opposition to Goodland? Does the lousy Rep. clique intend sponsoring him again? Where do the Progressives stand on issues and what's their support amount to? What kind of following did Wilkie accumulate around Wis.?
The "bombing program" you mention hearing about over the radio was news to me. I imagine the announcer describes the take-off or landing of "strike". It simply means a foce of planes bent upon a mission. Aside from a rough oral out-line of such an aerial mission broadcast from a bomber strip, I cannot imagine what type of broadcast you heard. Please give more details of same.
At the time we were busy with war details as you might've read in later communiques. I have leisure time now and at present am quite unoccupied. That's typical over here: we're very busy at times and at others we have quite a job of passing time away. It hasn't rained for about three weeks now which is astounding. It's supposedly the wet season too, but the air has become quite dry and reasonably comfortable.
Did I ever tell you about the earth tremors we've experienced during our stay here? Shortly after arriving here they were numerous and the earlier ones were quite severe. In fact, I'd say one shake rated the earth-quake category. It's an odd sensation to feel the ground quiver, shake, & seemingly move under your feet in gentle heaves. The trees sway wildly at some of these times, and if one's asleep the cot or hammock rocks crazily.
Your letter actually arrived here yesterday but I dated this a day ahead. It probably won't pass censortship until to-morrow the 28th of March because I'm finishing it to-day after a day's laspe. A few hrs. ago two V-mail eltters arrived from Wm. Fiala.
March 27, 1944
Posted by
5:44 PM
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