(Letter from Vic in Bougainville to younger brother Paul in Berkeley. Photo show Vic, second from right with mates, Pete Anderson on left, Pete Breclaw on right. Other soldier is not identified. Note all four hold Japanese swords. )
Thursday evening,
Dear Paul,
This is my third letter to you in as many days and I hope you'll oblige me by answering promptly. Realize you may not have very much material to write about but please mention as many things as you can recall.
Neither Yuts nor Ted are very prompt to answer of late. Have you seen them recently? How're they spending their time off duty? Do they come into Frisco and Berkeley regularly on liberty? Do either of them expect to ship out this way soon? Exactly what's Ted maritial status?
I've just finished reading "Bushido" by Alexandre Pernikoff and am starting on Pearl S. Buck's "China Sky." Have you read either of them? What good books have you read during recent months?
Boy! Were there ever some vicious articles in the Oct. issue of Reader's Digest. That rag is certainly dragging in the mud these days, eh what? Some of their red-baiting and anti-Roosevelt tactics should even make yellow-guard Hearst envious.
Normally we have an orientation lecture or class weekly. The enlisted men are urged to actively participate in the discussion of weekly events. To many fellows are apt to ignore the world news or leastwise don't seem inclined to discuss much openly at these informal battery meetings. To promote greater interest in current events the Special Service div. stage oral tests in our bn. theatre just prior to the movies and award three prizes such as fountain pens or sheath knifes to the those who best qualify.
Last wk. I became rad. oper. for one of the liaison parties. I've done this work before. Jake Valentine can give you the dope on such duties 'cause he was a liaison sergeant in his organization.
Just caught the last part of a news-broadcast and heard something about a foreman's strike at the Paterson Wright Aero plants that caused all the plants to close. Did Ed and Rudy say that they were expecting trouble from the Capone Clique as well as the Co.? What's the situation down there?
Do you know the Vicki Landish that Sid Goldberg saw in Berkeley just before he shipped out? Write soon!
Your brother,
While you were at Greubel's house did you note whether Karl had a Jap bayonet that I sent him last yr.? He never acknowledge receiving same. Incidentally, it's practically impossible to send Jap material home as souvenirs nowadays.
November 16, 1944
Posted by
8:54 PM
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