VIC'S ARMY TRUNK: July 7, 1944          

July 7, 1944

(V-mail from Sgt. Jake Valentine to Paul Petersen, sent from New Guinea to Berkeley, California. Map of U.S. military operations in New Guinea found in Vic's Trunk.)

Dear Paul,

Please be content with this "v" mail. It isn't much but I'm kinda busy and news is scarce. I'll soon write a longer and more informative script. And thanks for the letter and photos.

We're now back in the push against the Nips, again. At present the situation is pretty stable - mostly patrol activity. But the F.A. is just busy enough to stay off the dock and other cargodoring details which is the (illegible word) soldiers offtime duties.

I came off the field for a brief respite from duties at the 'front'. It wasn't too tough but a little damp, a little tiring and a little boring. It's too much early to bed and early to rise, or rather too early to bed and too early to rise business.

Time to close, keep writing, and so long.

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