(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. The photo shows signs of army censorship, two small holes that removed the number of the battalion.)
Saturday morning,
Cagayan Valley,
N. Luzon, P.I.
Dear Paul,
You most certainly haven't been very prompt to reply of late. Are your studies taking up most of your time? How're you doing at the university? Do you have a fair job on the side now?
The heat has been terrific in these parts lately. Quite often it looks like a terrific storm is brewing and then nothing develops. Once we were even forwarned of a typhoon or hurricane that never struck here or effected us. However, bad weather is long-overdue, and it's just possible that the sky will drop out for weeks at a time commencing most anytime. I'd welcome such would it bring relief from this torrid weather even tho it'd mean wet clothes, bedding, equipments even dozers and weasels.
Do you correspond with either of the Greubels or Bill Fiala? If so, how's about asking them to drop me a line? The folks said they met Ray Reed in Racine, and that when Rudy & Ann were recently home Ruts met Wally Puchinsky. Guess Pooch might've been discharged if his health is OK.
Did I tell you that we're more or less out of combat and in a tempory rest area? The inf. bn. hq our arty. liaison section is attached to has arranged tents in a flat area and we're actually sleeping on bunks and using mosquito bars. Have films every other nite but we're still sweating out that oft-promised beer and PX ration supply. Guess the rear area base commandos down Manila way and points enroute are relieving us of these simple but cherished luxuries so as to lighten the strained supply and transport problem.
Only the brass are permitted to go after and consume the only legit liquor available here in the P.I.s, Mano;a Tanduay Distillery "Old Special" Whisky (65%). G.I.s that crave a slug or drunk now and then purchase native booze of questionable sources. Some of these brands are terrific! Most of it tastes terrible and can be harmfull.
Forgot to mention that they're still Nips out in the bush but mostly confined to isolated pockets. Patroling and ambushes constitute most activities at present but the war's not completely over here yet. Did you receive that last batch of negs and can you get enlarged re-prints made?
Your brother,
Am enclosing two old Nip occupation currency notes that might interest you 'case you haven't seen same. One's from N.E.I. and the other F. Indo-China.
July 28, 1945
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7:19 PM
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