VIC'S ARMY TRUNK: August 9, 1942          

August 9, 1942

(from Vic's younger brother Paul to his older brother Rudy and his wife, Ann)

Hello, Rudy & Ann,

I was glad to hear from you. The last I heard from Ann she was in Racine, so I presumed she was still there since I haven't heard from there since Ann wrote, either. So I was kinda surprised to get your letter.

How does Emilie act now that her sister is getting a little bigger. I'll be she acts like she was the mother.

I hope you find yourselves a new apartment. Are they building many new homes around there yet?I was down to Pleasant Lake (about four miles south of here) last Thursday night and had a sample of my blood taken for the draft and a few questions asked. That's all there's to the "screen test" now. The real examination doesn't come until your inducted. In the physical shape I'm in I think they will take me so I'm going to try to get into one of the reserve plans offered by the Army, Navy & Marines to college students so they will stay in collect. If I can get into one of these reserves I can stay in college a couple of more terms anyway. But if I get into one of the reserves I must stay in college and not drop out at all.
I was up to Detroit the other weekend to see the Army War Show but couldn't get in because they were sold out. It seems like everyone you talk to in Detroit is pulling in big dough. Even draftsmen were pulling down $1.50 per hour and they were hardly out of high school. Anyway, I think I'm going up there at the end of the term and see what I can make. Probably a lot of what we heard is the bunkum, but there's no harm in trying. Then, if I have to come back to college for the fall term, I'll have a little dough. This term ends August 28th, and the Fall term starts on September 23rd. Now a lot depends on whether I can get into one of the reserves or not. I'll write you more dope on this later. At any rate, I should would like to come to visit you for a while.

Well, that's all for now. Let's hear all the dope on your recent trip Ann, and anything you want to say.

So long,


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