(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photos show two American officers.)
Camp La Croix, Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija, Luzon, P.I.
Dear Paul,
Intended writing you earlier this week but got a two day pass to Manila and just pulled in last evening. Saw a few Racineans, namely Nick Julian, Joe Anzalone, and Floyd Hillier. Got around some with Nick, drank his beer, and generally had a fairly good time.
Nick told me that on Monday nite Izzy Shapiro (Ensign or Lt., J.G.) is in Manila harbor aboard an A.P.A.) and that they'd gotten to-gether. Izzy was supposed to've come around again while I was there after he'd driven up to Lingayen Gulf area for mail or something.
"Big Tom" Dominich is working in some Army Hosp. just out of Manila, but didn't show up as expected while I was around. Recall me mentioning one Marv Yoccum about four or five months back? Well, Hiller said he'd gone up to Japan and then headed home along with high-pointers in the 43rd DIV.
Did I tell you that Phil Mascaretti was located comparatively close by and that I was trying to get over and look him up? Well, in his last letter he stated his outfit'd been alerted for shipment to Japan. I called his unit long-distance thru many Army exchanges and learned they'd pulled out presumably for Japan.
Yesterday most of our guys with less than 60 points were shipped out to various outfits. We received a large bunch of higher point guys from other artillery units around the island. When I pulled in last nite I was confronted by countless strange faces and many newly erected tents. I still feel lost along with the other old fellows and amidst our own outfit!
Our division is being brought up to a point where it'll be way over-strength with high pointers from various bastard outfits. These guys are mostly from 155 Long Tom, 8 inch and 240 outfits, and have much less overseas time than us and practically no combat, but they have the points due to dependents and state-side service. Guess out HQ. BTRY. received about 6 privates in this group and countless S/SGT.s, T/3s, Tech SGT.s, T/2s, and M/SGT.s. These fellows even wear stripes on their denims.
Am enclosing a bunch of prints and six negatives. The positives I got from a pal in our section and are Manila-made. These prints will probably face out in a few months and I'd like to have them for a while so would you please have them 'dipped' in a preservative (whatever that dope is they use) and then sent on home by way of Ruts or Ed? I promised to send copies from the 6 negs to: Peter Anderson, 194 Illinois Rd., Lake Forest, Ill. and Peter Breclaw, c/o Walter O'Polka, 9 Highland Ave., Wells Mich.
Would you please oblige by doing same and also Ruts and Ed (plus Phil M., Geo. Conrad, & Ted Kraznik only if you have to bother with this detail.)
October 11, 1945
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7:16 AM
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1 comment:
whiskyzoo said...
This is interesting for me to read. It will take me sometime to get through it. I will have to show some of this to my mom who is still in constant touch with Akabe Gulbankian. The Gulbankians are mentioned in the letter Nov 15 1943
David E. Fiala
Madison WI
July 31, 2008 8:41 PM
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