(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to younger brother Paul in Berkeley, California. Photo shows GIs and Filipinos dockside at Manila pier.)
Wednesday, Evening
Dear Paul,
For all I know you may've moved by this date, but I presume you left a forwarding address.
Here're ten pics that Yuts sent down. Also note the other two which I don't think you've seen.
I just got back from Manila late this afternoon. Left on a two pass Monday. Was sick there the first day & nite. Stayed at the Manila leave center (for G.I.s). It rained all last nite and part of this morning down there.
Yuts has a new address but I imagine he's written to you recently. He said Ted Kraynik visited him.
Still no definite word on when we're leaving. Rumors vary from the fifteenth to the twenty-ninth Nov. Gen Krieber (DIV. ARTY.) spoke to the men of the division yesterday & said it'd be this coming month.
Just a reminder - don't answer this letter.
Did I tell you that Nick Julian went hom on that over 38 yrs (or was it 35?) deal? At least he headed for a casual camp and I presume he's made the boat by now.
Now that Vernon Bown is in Frisco I presume you must get together quite frequently.
We saw that Ernie Pyle film "Story of G.I. Joe" last Sunday nite. Last nite in Manila I saw "Hotel Berlin", but didn't think it was so hot. Some time ago we saw "Woman in the Window" (Edw. G. Robinson). Forgot to mention seeing "Our Wines Have Tender Grapes" which I liked. Perhaps these are old films in the States, eh?
Our mail doesn't amount to much these days. Wrote to Reader's Scope and In Fact to send my future copies to Racine. Heard from Phil M. who's in Yokahama, but expects to ship out for the U.S. very soon.
Vest Regards, Your brother
October 31st, 1945
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7:25 AM
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