VIC'S ARMY TRUNK: March 1, 1945          

March 1, 1945

(Letter from Vic in the Philippines to parents, Peter and Emilie Petersen in Racine, Wisconsin. Photo shows young Filipino woman holding large crock on her head.)

Dear Folks,

Thanks for your recent letters containing the clippings. I received a number of Xmas packages of which at least two were from you. The fruit cake was moldy and quite a few of my packages and letters had evidently been in salt water.

At present I'm in a large Army hospital with foot trouble. That jungle rot came back and became infected. They're giving me Penincillen injections every three hrs. so it should begin to clear up soon. Can't say how long I'll be here, but address all mail to me at my regular address.

On Monday our artillery Liasason and forward observation parties were released by the infantry because we could no longer use our artillery in our particular sector. After coming in to the battery for the first time in weeks I took my first bath in nine days, shaved and put on clean clothes. Shortly afterward I went on sick call and arrived here Tuesday. I located Bob Mueckler who's stationed here and we had quite a jab-fest.

(A page appears to be missing)

Nips performed at their usual brutality. Filipinos said the Nips would confiscate most of the foods, clothing, & tobacco sent to prisoners by relatives and the Red Cross, and sell some of it for fabulous prices on the black-market. The Nips are always up to something and that didn't surprise me.

Earlier to-day when I wrote to Joanne I asked that she tell you that those repaired glass of mine should not weigh over eight ounces to pass the air mail package maximum weight. Did you receive my letter of a week ago requesting that you have new, lightly pink-tinted lenses mounted on that frame and a new case be obtained. I also enclosed some lense specifications that might've enabled the Racine Optical Co. to make a more accurate fitting.

Ed and Rudy have been replying my letters fairly regularly of late - especially Rudy. Paul doesn't write nearly as often as formerly, but perhaps his studies are taking up most of his time.

I'll close now hoping to hear from you soon.

Your son,

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