(letter from Paul to his brother Rudy and wife Ann. Typed on Michigan State stationary from East Lansing, Michigan to Passaic, New Jersey)
Dear Rudy & Ann,
Thanks for your letter and card. No, as yet I haven't heard from Rose or Ed. Haven't heard from Vic for quite a while either, for that matter.
Rudy, your a little off the beam when you say there must be more girls at college now. The ratio is 2 to 1 up here with girls in the minority. This year the male freshman class was the biggest in the history of the college.
I was in the hospital with a cold a few days the week before last but I'm over it now. You know how these hospitals are, they want to keep you there for a week for little or no reason. By the way, it's the college hosp. I'm refering to and no charge is made for anything except surgery, which of course I didn't have.
The second front really seems to have started, and it should start being effective on the eastern front in a few weeks.
I got a a letter from George Conrad the other day, he's in the Navy in training at Great Lakes. I don't think there a guy my age that I know who's left in Racine, now.
Ho, ho, I see Ann's going to be the grease-monkey in your family. I'll bet she'll be making more dough than you when she gets working at it a while. How do you like it anyway, Ann? Suppose it's a little different than any kind of work that you did before.
The temperature is about 10 above today, so winter is really here. It seems like you feel the cold more up here than in Racine. Especially early in the morning. You know Micigan's on Eastern War Time, so when I get up at seven it's really dark out and it doesn't get light to about 8:45.
I didn't do to well in my mid-terms, since I got two D's, although one was by mistake as it should have been C. What I don't like about State are the exams...we really have to do a lot of cramming to get through them. Also the place is to spread out.
Are any of you going anyplace for Christmas? I mean Ed or Rose, too. I thought maybe some one was coming out to Racine. I get off from Dec. 15th to January 5th. so I'll have a lot of time and not much to do. I'm going home first, then I don't know what. There's been a lotta rumors about the campus that all reserves are going to get called right after Christmas, and I think it's very likely and only fair, as college students shouldn't get any special privileges. The Marine reserve is already being called up, so the Army and Navy will probably follow suit. If that happens I would like to come down and visit you before going in. Of course it's hard telling what notice we'll get before hand.
As yet, I haven't met any Racine students at State and I don't think there are any besides me, although there are a lot from other parts of Wisconsin. I haven't been home yet this term, but as I said before I'll be going pretty soon for Christmas vacation. We only have Thanksgiving day off so there's not much change of going any where then. But our Christmas vacation starts early on this account as it usually doesn't start until the 18th.
That's all for now.
Best regards,
November 22,1942
Posted by
7:06 AM
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